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Borsa Istanbul started the day with an increase

The stocks that started the day quickly on the Borsa Istanbul

The stocks that started the day quickly on the Borsa Istanbul

The BIST 100 index started the day with a 0.6% increase, opening at 7,993.89 points.

BIST 100 began the day with buying interest, testing the 8,000 point level in the early trades. In yesterday’s sessions, the index closed at 7,946.37 points with a 1.18% increase. Among the stocks included in the BIST 100, 78 rose while 21 stocks lost value. The daily trading volume of the index was 84.9 billion TL, constituting 71% of the total trading volume.

The stocks that started the day quickly on the Borsa Istanbul

As Borsa Istanbul had a positive opening, factoring, metal, and textile sectors started the day with the highest demand. There was no sector that started the day in the negative, while the least demanded sectors were recorded as sports, tourism, and technology.
Among the stocks included in the BIST 100 index, (BRSAN), (YEOTK), (KAYSE), (AKCNS), and (PENTA) were the stocks that rose the most at the opening. The stocks that started the day with partial sales were (ALFAS), (ASELS), (ISGYO), (SNGYO), and (VESTL).

The stocks that started the day quickly on the Borsa Istanbul

Among the recent IPO companies on Borsa Istanbul, (BINHO) and (EKOS), along with (DOGUB) and (LIDFA), started the day at the ceiling price. On the other hand, (AVTUR), (VANGD), and CEOEM shares were the ones that fell the most at the opening.

While there is no significant data flow domestically today, overseas, the FOMC meeting minutes, along with US existing home sales, will be monitored. In the Eurozone, ECB President Lagarde is expected to make a statement.

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