Bitcoin Investor El Salvador’s President Says ‘Never’!


Bitcoin Investor El Salvador's President Says 'Never', El Salvador has no intention of selling its Bitcoin assets!

In a bold and closely scrutinized move, President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador recently provided an update on the country’s highly debated Bitcoin investments, shedding light on the current status of this groundbreaking financial venture. Despite facing considerable criticism, Bukele staunchly asserted that the investment has proven to be exceptionally lucrative, debunking detractors and reaffirming his commitment to the cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Investor El Salvador's President Says 'Never'!
Bitcoin Investor El Salvador’s President Says ‘Never’!

The announcement comes against the backdrop of widespread skepticism and apprehension surrounding the decision to embrace Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. Bukele, however, appears undeterred and resolute in his conviction that the nation’s foray into the realm of digital assets is reaping substantial rewards.

Amidst the ongoing global discourse on the role of cryptocurrencies and their integration into traditional financial systems, El Salvador’s journey with Bitcoin remains a focal point of attention. President Bukele’s recent statement not only addresses the concerns and critiques that have surrounded this initiative but also aims to underscore the tangible benefits and profitability that have emerged from the country’s venture into the world of decentralized finance.

As the landscape of global finance continues to evolve, El Salvador’s embrace of Bitcoin serves as a compelling case study, sparking conversations about the potential merits and pitfalls of integrating digital currencies into a nation’s economic framework. The ramifications of this decision are felt not only within the borders of El Salvador but also resonate on the international stage, contributing to the ongoing dialogue about the future of finance in an increasingly digitized world.

Explaining the profit, Nayib Bukele turned on the lasers!

In a day marked by a robust surge in the leading cryptocurrency, Bitcoin showcased its strength by overcoming all barriers and surpassing the $42,000 mark. While experiencing a slight dip afterward, Bitcoin continues to soar at elevated altitudes, capturing the attention of global investors and enthusiasts alike. Against this backdrop, the enigmatic and laser-eyed President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, once again took center stage.

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President Bukele had previously weathered a storm of criticism related to alleged losses associated with the adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. However, undeterred by naysayers, Bukele proudly stepped into the spotlight, announcing not only the full recovery of the purported losses but also the realization of a noteworthy profit totaling $3.62 million.

In a lengthy statement shared on social media, Bukele addressed a multitude of articles that had speculated on the country’s losses based on the prevailing Bitcoin prices at the time. With an air of confidence and transparency, the Salvadoran leader sought to set the record straight, emphasizing that the investment not only recouped its entire value but also yielded a substantial profit.

As the saga of El Salvador’s Bitcoin adoption unfolds, President Bukele’s proactive engagement with the public through social media serves to demystify the complexities of cryptocurrency integration at a national level. The intersection of digital assets and traditional finance, as exemplified by El Salvador’s journey, remains a focal point in the evolving narrative of global economics, stirring both intrigue and debate on the future of decentralized financial systems.

El Salvador has no intention of selling its Bitcoin assets!

Despite the evident financial gains, Bukele has made it explicitly clear that El Salvador has no intention of selling its BTC assets. The President emphasized that selling has never been the objective, underscoring the country’s unwavering commitment to its long-term strategy irrespective of market fluctuations. Issuing a call for accountability, Bukele urged critics of El Salvador’s Bitcoin investment to retract their statements, issue apologies, or at the very least acknowledge the current profitable state of affairs. Bukele stressed that responsible journalism entails accepting this new reality, insisting that reporters who previously reported on losses must acknowledge the current gains with equal vigor.


This announcement marks a significant milestone for El Salvador’s bold venture into adopting Bitcoin as legal tender. The revelation of profits challenges narratives suggesting financial instability in this move, shining a renewed spotlight on the potential of cryptocurrency as a national asset. The episode underscores the resilience and determination of El Salvador in navigating the uncharted waters of integrating digital currencies into traditional financial systems, challenging existing perceptions and setting a precedent for other nations considering similar paths.

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